Foreign Exchange Regulations (FEMA)
Shah & Modi offers end to end support services to Entities planning or having presence in India such as Company formation, incorporating or forming a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), compliance with Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and procedures therein and Registration with Statutory Authorities wherever required such as Goods & Service Tax, Profession Tax and assisting in registration with labour laws authorities.

Domestic Taxation
We carry out tax advisory & compliance for Indian Corporates, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs), Partnership Firms & High Net worth Individuals (HNIs).

International Taxation
International taxation has turned highly dynamic in recent years due to OECD-G20’s BEPS (Base Erosion Profit Shifting) Action plans which are the driving factor for changes related to cross border taxation.

NRI Taxation
We specialize in taxation for Non Resident Indians and cross border transactions. Scope in this segment includes advising about investment avenues available, tax implications thereof and managing repatriation process.

Corporate and Financial Advisory
The long awaited New Companies Act got enacted in 2013 replacing the old Companies Act 1956. Some of the important changes brought by the new act are- uniformity in the Financial Year, introduction of concept One Person Companies and Dormant Companies, entrenchment provisions, mandatory Corporate Social responsibility, rotation of auditors, compulsory one resident director, female director and independent director for listed companies, prohibition on giving loan to directors by the companies, new deposit regulations etc.

Audit and Assurance Services
- Statutory Audit
- Audit under the Companies Act, 2013
- Tax Audit under the Income-tax Act, 1961
- Transfer Pricing Audit